Event Timers

Castle Siege

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Informação do servidor

General Information

Server Version Season 6
Experience 50x Dinamic
Master Experience 5x
Drop 30%
Accounts per IP 6
Reset Off
MG, DL, RF Level 1
NonPvP Maps Aida & Karutan


WideScreen Support with high FPS
Low RAM Usage
Auto Accept Party (F7)
Anti Lag Mode (F7)
Ultra Zoom (F10)
Save Camera Zoom
Multi Login Box
Remaster Button per Category on Skill Tree
DL can Summon Dead Party


All Season 6.3 Events Working and more...
Golden Archer Collector
Cherry Blossom
Lucky Coins
Fortune Pouch
Lunar Rabbits
Fire Flame Ghost
Capitain Grizzly
Mini Bosses (Hydra, Zaikan, Ice Queen, Balrog, Gorgon )
Evomon Hunt
Chicken Event
Snake Event
Happy Hour: 8PM -3GMT
Happy Hours Especial: All Sundays 12:00PM until 0:00AM
Exclusive: Stone of Friendship
Exclusive: Rare Item Ticket

Commands & Tips

Advanced Menu (key U) Opens Advanced Menu
Gremory Case (key K) Show event reward itens/gifts
Repair Tool (key L) With Inventory Opened, Dismantle jewelry.
Off Store Open your Store, and click on Offstore Button, Sell itens offline.
Off Attack Configure your MuHelper, and Click on Offline Attack.
/post [message] Sends a message to the whole server.
/abrirbau Open Vault/Ware Everyere.
/s [points] Adds points to Strength.
/a [points] Adds points to Agility.
/v [points] Adds points to Life.
/e [points] Adds points to Energy.
/c [points] Adds points to Command.
/pack or /unpack Command to Pack jewels.
/lock [+password] or /unlock [+password] Block Itens move ingame.
/pick [ zen ] [ jewel ] [ all ] Auto get itens.
/top Show top player.
/clearinv Clear all Items of inventory.
/re [ on/off/auto ] Enable / disable / automatic accepts, requests in-game.

Party Bonus Experience (Max 5)

Members Experience Rate
Same Character Classes Different Classes
2 Players EXP + 5% EXP + 5%
3 Players EXP + 6% EXP + 7%
4 Players EXP + 7% EXP + 8%
5 Players EXP + 9% EXP + 10%
